EFDI published Deposit Guarantee Scheme Cooperation Agreement with EBA support

The European Forum of Deposit Insurers (EFDI) published its model Cooperation Agreement and supporting Rule Book, which it recommends to European Union Deposit Guarantee Schemes (DGS), with support of the European Banking Authority (EBA).
Under the Deposit Guarantee Scheme Directive, EU DGS are required to effect the payout of depositors in a cross-border branch through the DGS in the home state country. The Agreement provides the framework for cross-border payouts of depositors, as well as the transfer of contribution, and mutual lending, between DGS

The President of the EC delivered his State of the Union speech

Every year in September, the President of the European Commission delivers his State of the Union speech before the European Parliament, taking stock of achievements of the past year and presenting priorities for the year ahead. The President also sets out how the Commission will address the most pressing challenges the European Union is facing

Visco su Politico.eu

È disponibile l’intervista rilasciata dal Governatore della Banca d’Italia Ignazio Visco a Politico.eu

Rimborsi agli obbligazionisti delle banche salvate

Il Consiglio del Fondo interbancario di tutela dei depositi (Fitd) ha approvato il regolamento che definisce le modalità per gli indennizzi forfettari previsti per una parte dei titolari di bond subordinati delle quattro banche messe in risoluzione lo scorso novembre. Il Regolamento definisce come fare le istanze di indennizzo e le modalità di verifica sulla documentazione e la sussistenza delle condizioni per l'accesso alla procedura di rimborso.


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