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by Fabrizio Tuzi (Director of the Institute)*


The provision of the Italian Constitution (article 116, paragraph 3) - which allows each Region to negotiate with the State "additional forms and specific requirements of autonomy" - was the topic of the conference "Differentiation and asymmetry in the Italian Regionalism" organized in Rome on May 29th, at the CNR headquarters, by the Institute for the Study of Regionalism, Federalism and Self-Government  "Massimo Severo Giannini" of the National Research Council (Cnr-Issirfa). The Conference aimed at encouraging the debate on regional autonomies in a scientific perspective, far from ideological approaches.

Starting from the latest initiatives of the Veneto, Lombardy and Emilia-Romagna Regions, the goals of the conference were, on one hand, the examination of most suitable solutions to enhance the capacity of a new model of territorial organization of the State, and, on the other hand, the identification of the criteria that should guide the evaluation of regional initiatives, as well as the most appropriate procedures in defining a new asymmetric model of government. convegno 29.5.2019 estratto locandina

The conference was divided in two parts.

The first part focused on the analysis of the juridical-institutional profiles, highlighting the role of the State and the consistent requirements for a reorganization of central administration. The need to ensure the highest involvement of the Parliament in the procedure - after State-Region agreement - has been addressed. The criteria for assessing regional requests, the limits to ensure the homogeneity of the institutional system, as well as the forms and procedures of coordination necessary to allow the harmonization of the regional legislation, and the exercise of state substitutive power have furthermore been examined.

The financial profiles and the possible consequences in terms of competitiveness and cohesion of the country have been addressed in the second part of the conference. The complex problem of "measuring" the financial sustainability of differentiated autonomy and the possible effects on public finance and the tax system were also analyzed.

convegno 29.5.2019 - fotoThe participation of the Minister for Regional Affairs and the Autonomies, Erika Stefani, and her in depth speech on the theme has testified the spotlight of the conference's issues in the national political agenda and has allowed a fruitful scientific-institutional debate and an extensive analysis of the possible effects of the allocation of new powers to  Regions on the institutional system.

The implementation of Article 116 of the Constitution opens up a new phase of Italian regionalism that could lead to the full realization of a new regional autonomy model. The asymmetric autonomy could enter new dynamic elements into the Italian institutional system that would be able to tackle the specific requests of the different areas of the country, hopefully in a context of meaningful collaboration. 

The essays of the conference will soon be collected in the proceedings published by the Institute.

*From 1 June 2019 Fabrizio Tuzi has been appointed acting Director of the Institute


pica alfieri

On June 28th, 2019, at the Palazzo Pica Alfieri in L'Aquila, as part of the event "The legislation and the Government of complexity: inter-institutional dialogue and citizen participation request", promoted by the Chamber of Deputies and the Conference of Presidents of the Legislative Assemblies of the Regions and Autonomous Provinces, the 2017-2018 Report on legislation between the State, Regions and the European Union was presented, edited by the Observatory on the legislation of the Chamber of Deputies. ISSiRFA has developed the part on the "Trends and problems of regional legislation" that highlights some significant aspects of the trends and problems emerging in the legislation of the Regions, with implications on their political-administrative organization.


Fabrizio Tuzi gave a speech titled "Open question on differentiated regionalism: the financial resources" at the Conference on "More autonomy? Open questions on differentiated regionalism" at the Università cattolica del S. Cuore di Milano on the 12th of April 2019.

Claudia Cipolloni gave a seminar at the Università degli studi di Teramo titled "Consistent interpretation and common constitutional traditions" in January-June 2019.

Andrea Filippetti was invited at the Alta Scuola Roma Tre Astre for a lecture on "Scientists and inventors in our societies" in Roma Tre University, on May 2019.

Clelia Losavio presented the paper "The green communities: a model of sustainable development for territories" at the workshop FORUM PA, in May 2019.

Luca Giachi presented the paper "Conflictual management of urban commons: a multiple case study analysis" co-authored with Francesca Proia, Nathalie Colasanti and Marco Meneguzzo, at the IIAS-Lien 2019 Conference "Effective, Accountable, and Inclusive Governance" held in Singapore on 18-21 June 2019 at the Nanyang Technological University.

Luca Giachi - Francesca Proia presented the paper "Social innovations and conflict. The case of the Santa Maria della Pietà - Rome" co-authored with Francesca Proia at the conference International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics - IFKAD 2019 in Matera, Italy on 5-7 June 2019. The paper has been published in Proceedings IFKAD 2019 Knowledge Ecosystem and Growth (ISBN 978-88-96687-12-3; ISSN 2280-787X).

Andrea Filippetti presented the paper "The costs of the asymmetric federalism: the case of education" at the Conference "Differentiation and asymmetry in the Italian Regionalism" organized in Rome on May 29 2019, at the CNR.


Antonino Iacoviello has published the paper "The regional legislative competence in the field "governo del territorio" (land-use planning) in the perspective of differential regionalism", in "Rivista AIC" (Journal of Italian Association of constitutionalists), n. 2/2019.

Claudia Cipolloni has published a commentary of the judgement n. 168 of 2018 of the Constitutional Court titled "The boundaries of the ordinal power of special Regions between the unitary nature and the principle of differentiation" in the journal Giurisprudenza Costituzionale, n. 4/2018.

Clelia Losavio has published the paper "The "consistency" of the regional legislative competence in agriculture", in Cristiani E., Di Lauro A., Sirsi E. (Editors), Agriculture and Constitutions. Pisa University Press (pp. 63-71).

Andrea Filippetti has published the paper "Regional disparities in the effect of training on employment" on Regional Studies, Volume 53, 2019 - Issue 2, co-authored with Frederick Guy and Simona Iammarino.

Andrea Filippetti has published the Report for the European Commission  titled "How to survive an economic crisis? Lessons from the innovation profiles of EU regions" co-authored with Gkotsis P., Vezzani A., Zinilli A., Seville, Spain, JRC115664.

Gabriella Saputelli in May 9-11, 2019, participated to the Sixteenth Biennal Conference of the European Union Studies Association (EUSA), in Denver (CO), presenting a paper on "Role and value of subnational entities in and for the European integration process: the Italian experience".


Gabriella Saputelli in February 2019, received a Research Visitor Fellowship by the Centre of Law and Society of the University of Cardiff to conduct a project on "Evolution of Economic Constitution and Role of Regions in economic development: the Italian and UK experiences".

Gabriella Saputelli in May 2019, has been awarded the Fulbright Chair-Distinguished Lecturer to carry on a project (teaching course) on "Rule of law and human rights in the EU" at the University of Notre Dame, Indiana.


In the Library section on "List of new acquisition" all the new books and articles entered into the catalogue between December 2018 and June 2019 are presented.




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Istituto di Studi sui Sistemi Regionali Federali e sulle Autonomie
''Massimo Severo Giannini''
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
Via dei Taurini 19, 00185 Roma
Tel. 39 06 49937700 - segreteria@issirfa.cnr.it


