1-12 febbraio 2021 - Winter School 2021: Federalism and Local Self-Government
The next edition of the Winter School on Federalism and Governance will take place from 1-12 February 2021, for one week in Innsbruck (Austria) and one week in Bolzano/Bozen (Italy) and will focus on the topic of “Federalism and Local Self-Government“.
The Winter School on Federalism and Governance is a common cross-border project of the Institute for Comparative Federalism of Eurac Research, the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences of the University of Innsbruck.
The two-week postgraduate programme welcomes an international audience: young researchers and academics, post-docs and post-graduate students, civil servants from a local, regional or national government as well as employees of international organizations or NGOs.